by Gabriela Alemán
Voting Should be for Everyone.png

Movement to Ballot Box Campaign - The Center for Cultural Power

Movement to Ballot Box Campaign

The Center for Cultural Power’s Movement to Ballot Box Campaign was a 2022 non-partisan electoral and awareness raising campaign with authentic and compelling storytellers crafting stories of inspiration to increase engagement, voter registration, and mobilization. 

Artwork Statement

As we've recently seen with Assembly Bill 2183 and the historical marginalization of the community organizing, policy initiatives and general humanity of farmworkers, Voting Should be for Everyone was intentionally designed with the community in mind. Although I don't believe voting is THE solution for systemic change within a system that is functioning exactly as it was designed - I do believe it's a tool everyone should have access to - regardless of status. 

Image Description

On the top right A ballot with a butterfly overlayed on the left and center to the right is a depiction of a farmworker who has a box of produce hoisted onto their right shoulder. Their left arm is pointed upwards, and their head is crowned with floating streaks reminiscent of the statue of liberty. In the background there is a geographical outline of the U.S.A. and in the background of all the iconography there is repetitive text that reads "Voting Should be for Everyone".